hello world zlib version 1.2.7 = 0x1270, compile flags = 0xa9 uncompress(): hello, hello! gzread(): hello, hello! gzgets() after gzseek: hello! inflate(): hello, hello! large_inflate(): OK after inflateSync(): hello, hello! inflate with dictionary: hello, hello! *** zlib test OK *** hello world zlib version 1.2.7 = 0x1270, compile flags = 0xa9 uncompress(): hello, hello! gzread(): hello, hello! gzgets() after gzseek: hello! inflate(): hello, hello! large_inflate(): OK after inflateSync(): hello, hello! inflate with dictionary: hello, hello! *** zlib shared test OK *** hello world zlib version 1.2.7 = 0x1270, compile flags = 0xa9 uncompress(): hello, hello! gzread(): hello, hello! gzgets() after gzseek: hello! inflate(): hello, hello! large_inflate(): OK after inflateSync(): hello, hello! inflate with dictionary: hello, hello! *** zlib 64-bit test OK ***