7.11. Colo-1.22

The Colo package contains the Cobalt Boot Loader.

7.11.1. Installation of Colo



This bootloader is for the MIPS based cobalt servers RaQ, RaQ2, Qube, or the Qube2.

This patch fixes a relocation error when linking with Binutils:

patch -Np1 -i ../colo-1.22-relocation_fix-1.patch

Disable -Werror in one of the Makefiles to prevent a compile failure:

cp -v stage2/Makefile{,.orig}
sed '/^CFLAGS/s/-Werror //' stage2/Makefile.orig > stage2/Makefile

Compile the Colo package:

cd tools/elf2rfx
make CC=gcc
cd ../..

Install the package:

cp -v chain/colo-chain.elf /tools/boot/vmlinux
gzip -9 /tools/boot/vmlinux

Details on this package are located in Section 10.65.2, “Contents of Colo.”