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Systemd is a system management daemon designed exclusively for the Linux kernel API. In the Linux startup process, it is the first process to execute in user land; therefore, it is also the parent process of all child processes in user land.
Systemd's initialization instructions for each daemon are recorded in a declarative configuration file rather than a shell script. For inter-process communication, systemd makes Unix domain sockets and D-Bus available to the running daemons. Because systemd tracks processes using Linux cgroups instead of process identifiers (PIDs), daemons cannot "escape" systemd; not even by double-forking. Systemd is also capable of aggressive parallelization.
Among systemd's auxiliary features are a cron-like job scheduler called systemd Calendar Timers, and an event logging subsystem called journal. The system administrator may choose whether to log system events with systemd or syslog. Systemd's logfile is a binary file. The state of systemd itself can be preserved in a snapshot for future recall.
Systemd provides a replacement for sysvinit, pm-utils, inetd, acpid, syslog, watchdog, cron and atd, and obsoletes ConsoleKit.
systemctl is the main command used to introspect and control systemd.
systemctl or systemctl list-units
systemctl --failed
systemctl list-unit-files
systemctl start
systemctl stop
restart unit
reload unit
status unit
is-enabled unit
enable unit
disable unit
systemctl daemon-reload
For more information regarding systemd, please refer to the systemd and related man-pages and Systemd at FedoraProject for documentation, examples, features, and other information.