10.50. IPutils-s20150815

The IPutils package contains programs for basic networking.

10.50.1. Installation of IPutils

Apply the following patch for man-pages and build edits:

patch -Np1 -i ../iputils-s20150815-build-1.patch

Compile the package:

make USE_CAP=no \
    TARGETS="clockdiff ping rdisc tracepath tracepath6 traceroute6"

This package does not come with a test suite.

Install the package:

install -v -m755 ping /bin
install -v -m755 clockdiff /usr/bin
install -v -m755 rdisc /usr/bin
install -v -m755 tracepath /usr/bin
install -v -m755 trace{path,route}6 /usr/bin
install -v -m644 doc/*.8 /usr/share/man/man8
ln -sv ping /bin/ping4
ln -sv ping /bin/ping6

10.50.2. Contents of iputils

Installed programs: clockdiff, ping, rdisc, tracepath, tracepath6, traceroute6, ping4 (link to ping), ping6 (link to ping)

Short Descriptions


Measures the clock difference between hosts


Sends echo-request packets and reports how long the replies take.


Executes ping for IPV4 support


Executes ping for IPV6 support


Network router discovery daemon


Traces the path to a network host discovering MTU along the path. This is the IPV4 version.


Traces the path to a network host discovering MTU along the path. This is the IPV6 version.


Traces the path to a network host on an IPV6 network