19:19 < Berzerkula> < w00 > < found out I'd was ennumerated.> < now I'm + 1> < yay I get to do more > 19:20 < drb1> I'm back. Had to assist my father with his screenreader. 19:20 < drb1> That's scary, nearly buried alive, heh. 19:20 < MLanden> very 19:20 < Berzerkula> drb1: screw doing that here, ##Slackware has been overrun by idiots 19:20 < drb1> Haha. 19:21 < Urchlay> something something pot kettle something 19:21 < w00> indeed 19:21 < w00> Berzerkula, if you don't like it here, leave 19:21 < Berzerkula> Urchlay: mostly Knobdobbers, they'll fix'em 19:21 < BrokenCog> that really has to make you wonder about the medical care poor people receive. 19:21 < drb1> BrokenCog, it's the HMOs. 19:21 < BrokenCog> oh? 19:22 < drb1> My father had an HMO, pretty much lead to him being blind. 19:22 < Berzerkula> w00: oh little person that can'e perceive the differnce between the past and the future. Sorry you can't deal with it 19:22 < w00> can't* 19:22 < Berzerkula> w00: you type wrong, the correct would be can't 19:23 < w00> you really need to learn to type or stop drinking... or both 19:23 -!- ClaudioM [~ClaudioM@c-73-46-231-176.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 19:23 < BrokenCog> I think the causal chain by be a bit more involved, but, yeah, election campaigns and medicine are at least alike in that respect: money equals results. 19:23 < BrokenCog> w00 what are saying?! 19:24 < BrokenCog> ah, never mind. I see the nick you mentioned. 19:24 < w00> ;) 19:24 < mishehu> eye canut tayp wel. 19:24 < BrokenCog> lol. 19:25 < Berzerkula> why the hell is SLackware being attacked a lot? 19:25 < w00> pew pew pew 19:25 < w00> w00 pew pews :) 19:25 < Berzerkula> why don't you all go after redhat 19:26 -!- w00 is now known as shonudo 19:26 < shonudo> ah, better 19:26 < Berzerkula> or oracle 19:26 < MLanden> shonudo: too much w00 w00 in that skin? 19:26 < shonudo> surprised there are so many free nicks available 19:27 < shonudo> 3-character nicks are pretty rare 19:27 < Berzerkula> not enough woo woo cause ya don't know how to do it right. Who the hell taught you? 19:27 < shonudo> w00 are you talking to now? 19:27 < Berzerkula> If you want to be a part of Slackware, we require people who wish to be uniqu