Speed week

This post makes me wonder. I know a lot of people complain about boot and load times in Ubuntu, and I’ll be the first person to admit Arch Linux is far and beyond anything Ubuntu can do, but honestly … a machine with those specs isn’t impossible. And it should still do better than a clean XP install.

That, coupled with having discovered Ubuntu_demon’s customization guide, makes me wonder if I couldn’t get something of that caliber to break some speed marks. Firstly …

  • a 5400rpm drive and enough memory,
  • ext3 partitions with dir_index enabled,
  • server installation plus XFCE with a minimum of installed packages,
  • Swiftfox,
  • disable IPv6,
  • no login manager,
  • InitNG and all those other tweaks that are quasi-dangerous.

I should think the start and load times would be dramatically faster. Hmm. Now all I need is about 48 more hours in a week. …

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