A list a mile long

I have a list of things to do a mile long, and I keep getting distracted by the silliest of things. For example, I can’t figure out why all of a sudden I’m getting video artifacts on my rehabbed GX150. I put two sticks of 256Mb PC133 in it, and now I get vertical streaks at 1280×1024~60. It’s bizarre.

What makes it even worse is that the only way I can keep it from happening is … boot the Dreamlinux 2.0 WORKS live CD. That’s the only DE I’ve found yet that doesn’t end up with strange streaks.

No matter. I’ve put a bid in on an SFF GeForce4 440 with DVI. If I can reroute everything through that, I’ll end up with a better mousetrap anyway.

UPDATE: Okay, I got it. It was a color depth issue. I don’t know what that has to do with a memory upgrade, but dropping the color depth to 16 erased the streaks. Dreamlinux defaults to 16 for i810. Whew. Now I can sleep at night.

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