Edgy package search

I was wearing out my bookmark for the Ubuntu package search site, so I found search bar plugin that defaults to Dapper.

A few quick tweaks and it’s set for Edgy. Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t like the tar.gz extension, so this will be a cut-and-paste.

Open your searchplugins directory (probably inside .mozilla or .gnuzilla somewhere). Then start a new file called ubuntu_pkgs_edgy.src … then paste this into it.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mozilla plugin file for Ubuntu Package Search Edgy
# Author: David Farning <dfarning;'^at^-)=sbcglobal.net>
# Version: 1.0
# Created: Nov 8 2005
# Last updated: Nov 8 2005
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL.
# See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/GPL/2.0/ for details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modified slightly on Nov 12 2006 for Edgy release
# By K.Mandla | See https://kmandla.wordpress.com
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

version = "7.1"
name="Ubuntu Package Search (Edgy)"
description="Search the Ubuntu Edgy repositories for packages"

<input name="searchon" value="names">
<input name="subword" value="1">
<input name="version" value="edgy">
<input name="release" value="all">
<input name="keywords" user="">
<input name="sourceid" value="mozilla-search">



That should do the trick. If it doesn’t, try downloading Ubuntu Packages Dapper from the Mycroft site and editing the code to point at Edgy. Enjoy.

P.S.: All credit and thanks go to David Farning for the original, written a year ago.

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