PCI-X: This is my fault, I admit it

No sense hiding it. I bought a pair of SLI-ready GeForce 6600’s — 256Mb models, even. One hundred-plus dollars of pure video goodness. Waited three days for shipping. Tried to be nice to the UPS man.

You see, I thought I’d play a few games I haven’t played in a year or so, since I sent my XPS system eastward (in exchange for $1800, I might add) and moved to Linux, and saw my hardware bill drop like a rock.

And since I have a machine sitting around with 2.8Ghz Xeons (notice the plural) in it, I figured I’d settle on a nice pair of PCI Express cards and see what it can do, when asked nicely.

Only it doesn’t have PCI Express slots. It has PCI-X slots, which are not the same thing. In fact, they’re not even close. Sigh.

Hello, ebay.

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