Unraveling the Ralink RT61 in Edgy

Despite judgekaster’s howto, I still find myself occasionally banging my head against the wall with my Linksys WMP54G v4. It’s a Ralink RT61 chipset, and even though it will work with Linux, it seems a bit finicky, particularly under Edgy. I think I’ve boiled the installation procedure down to this, working from a clean server install:

  1. Get the firmware and the drivers from the Ralink Web site. Follow the link for judgekaster’s howto for those.
  2. Install build-essential, unzip and the linux-headers-generic off the install CD.
  3. Unzip the firmware first, and put those files into the /etc/Wireless/RT61STA directory (which I resent as difficult to type).
  4. Now decompress the driver file, change into the Modules directory, and copy the Makefile.6 file to Makefile. Now sudo make all.
  5. Copy the rt61.ko file to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/
  6. Reboot, and iwconfig should show an ra0 interface.

It’s a little tricky and I’ve mangled it more than once. Hopefully this will speed it up for anyone else who wants to use an RT61 cold from a fresh install.

P.S.: I haven’t figured out how to circumvent the inevitable switch from linux-generic to linux-386 when I install the nvidia-glx drivers … and the need to go through this an entire second time.

Edit: It’s also scuttling my attempts to jump to feisty on that machine, since re-make-ing the modules seems to error out. Oh well.

Edit again: Well, trying to reproduce this with the nvidia-glx installed is not doing what I want. I’ll have to keep working on this.

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