Ralink RT61 in Edgy plus Nvidia, take 2

This is starting to become a little less ragged around the edges. Hopefully the need to redo the drivers for the RT61 is gone, since — and I don’t know how I missed this for so long — the nvidia-glx package is available on the Xubuntu alternate installation CD for Edgy.

I don’t even have to modify my sources.list and it will install at the command line. All this time I thought it was in multiverse or something. Just goes to show how it can’t hurt to revisit things every now and again.

Either way, it means my aforementioned RT61 cold installation can be amended to this:

  1. Install build-essential, unzip, nvidia-glx
  2. Edit your xorg.conf file as needed, then reboot
  3. Install linux-headers-`uname -r`, so you can make the driver
  4. Unzip the firmware, copy it to that rotten /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/ folder
  5. Copy rt61.ko to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/
  6. sudo depmod, sudo modprobe rt61 and reboot again

Now that blasted ra0 connection should be in place, and this time the nvidia-glx package is already installed. So I don’t need to redo the entire process just to use my proprietary drivers and the wireless.

I don’t use judgekaster’s rt61sta.dat file, by the way. I have a humble WEP 64 encryption key for the in-house network, and it works fine without it.

Edit: Nope, nope. This isn’t it. I want it to work on the first try, and this isn’t quite it. I’m going to hack away at this for a while longer, and make sure I can get it to work on the first try. Stay tuned.

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