RFC on The Backyard

The Backyard has a checkered history, even in the year I’ve been at the forums. The idea is that you can talk about off-topic material here, and the issue doesn’t even have to relate to Linux. It has its fair share of proponents and oppoents.

I find myself in the opposition, and to be honest, I always have. Most of what surfaces in The Backyard has little to do with Ubuntu and more to do with outside agendas.

I agree that everyone should have a chance to speak their opinion on every topic, I just question whether or not a support forum for Linux is the place for it. There are plenty of forums on the Internet that are just for political, religious, ethnic, national or even just current event-related diatribes.

And I think in a way it treads on the forum’s goal of being a respectful, positive and welcoming place to learn. It’s not okay to embark on a rant against (insert idea, object or principle here) — unless you’re in The Backyard. It’s one small, persistent flaw on an otherwise very successful experiment.

And as I have found out in the past months, it’s a nightmare to monitor. I’d just as soon see it disappear. Keep the cafe as a way of discussing Ubuntu- and Linux-related issues that don’t apply to specific points of the OS, but let The Backyard dissolve. It’s misplaced and misused.

No matter what your opinion, ubuntu-geek is taking comments on the prospect of dumping it; you can give your own opinion on The Backyard here.

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