Pardon my addiction: Regnum Online screenshots

I’ve been slack in my attention to the forums today, but I finally got enough courage up to reinstall Ubuntu on my 2.26Ghz machine (it’s that darned RT61 that dissuades me) and install Regnum Online. And of course, that just leaks time away from my life.

But rather than have nothing to show for it, here are a couple of screenshots, both taken at 1280x1024x16 (I can do 32-bit on my 64Mb Geforce4 440 MX, but I get a little stutter … still, 16-bit doesn’t hamper game play at all).

This is a small village at the start of the game. As you can see, the interface has a lot in common with the Everquest-themed games. Nothing wrong with that.

It uses the usual floating menus and transparent chat boxes, with most everything you see there in a movable arrangement. Toolbars and rolling quickslots are mounted at the bottom. Pressing tab frees the screen of palettes, a la Photoshop.

This is me beating up on a lowly bug, just to get you some combat action shots. All in the name of science, friend. …

There’s not a whole lot of twitch in the game — you pretty much stand and deliver, and hope you can deal out more than you can withstand. So it’s not DDO Stormreach, which is either good or bad, depending on your perspective.

Powers and spells drain mana, like you would expect. There’s a framework for a special power hierarchy, and for what I’ve seen so far, it’s much of what you would expect: Certain weapons plus certain levels give you certain powers that do certain things. It’s nice for building up a specialized version of yourself. 😉

Personally, I’m loving it. There are still a few rough edges — a lot of the quests don’t have English translations, and there are some sound issues on my end — but all things considered, it’s a peach of a game. I’m going to be busy with this one for a while.

Which is good, because I don’t want to be wasting my time after installing that RT61 card again. 😛

1 thought on “Pardon my addiction: Regnum Online screenshots

  1. niclam

    Well, It’s nice to see more users playing from Linux.
    The game is still under development, hence the rough edges, but hopefully soon we will sort that out and continue adding content and gameplay features.



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