Don’t forget: Ubuntu-women meetup

Don’t forget the Ubuntu-Women project is holding an initial get-together and IRC session tomorrow on #ubuntu-women. There are actually two meetings, one at 15:00 London time Thursday, and one 12 hours later, at 03:00 London time on Friday. There’s more about the meeting here and here.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to show, since I’ll be sleeping during the first one, and working during the second. I’ll send my regrets. πŸ˜‰

1 thought on “Don’t forget: Ubuntu-women meetup

  1. bapoumba

    Hello, I won’t, but as you said, I’ll be at work during the first meeting, and I’ll _probably_ be sleeping during the second one. I’ll drop by anyway when I get back from work tonight, I’ll even try to get home early. Cheers πŸ™‚


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