Some Openbox wallpaper for you

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

There aren’t enough Openbox wallpapers. Everybody has wallpaper that brags about their distro or their DE or their WM, but Openbox fans must be too busy tweaking and rebooting and tweaking again to worry about wallpaper.

So here’s a nice one that took about eight seconds to put together in the Gimp. I tried to match it to the oPerfection theme. It’s nothing special, and I only made it at 1024×768 since it’s hardly worth reproducing at higher resolutions — it would take you less time to make your own version than it would for me to resize it.

Here’s what it looks like in action, on my 750Mhz Pentium III running Edgy.

The color doesn’t perfectly sync with oPerfection, but it’ll do. I’ll probably end up reinstalling in another hour or so anyway. gNewSense is looking interesting again. 😉

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