Nice terminal. Impossible name.

Part of my misadventures with my mysterious mouse lag in Ubuntu have convinced me to adopt urxvt (rxvt-unicode in the repositories) over xfce4-terminal.

I had always held on to XFCE’s terminal over any other because I liked the borderless, scrollbarless transparent window. It just looks cooler to me — like something a Windows user would pay $29 to add to his machine, and then pay another $4.99 to be able to tint the shade to blue or something. 🙄

I suspect xfce4-terminal to be complicit in my mouse lag problems, but I wasn’t keen on giving up my ultra-smooth terminal.

So I experimented with aterm, but I hate trying to get a decent font on that (although it did introduce me to the xlsfonts command, and all that follows it).

After aterm I went specifically looking for urxvt, and then spent an hour getting the look I wanted … which, in the end, looks remarkably like xfce4-terminal but now I’m liking the customizable titlebar.

In case you’re wondering, that’s urxvt -tr +sb -fg white -bg black -title Terminal -tint white -sh 75 -fade 15 -fadecolor black -pr black -pr2 white from the Openbox menu.

2 thoughts on “Nice terminal. Impossible name.

  1. Daniel Black

    Hi there. I realize this is an 8=month-old post, but what’s the torsmo-like thing you’ve got at the bottom of this desktop? Just curious. I tinker every now and again, but I’ve never found one of these tools (I’m so lamely tempted to say “widget”) that suits me. This one looks like it might.

    Thank you,



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