Overhaul at the Openbox wiki page

I finished overhauling the Openbox page in the wiki. A lot of the stuff hadn’t been revised since 2005, and was very out of date.

It could still use some touching up. I think there ought to be another page split off from that one, making it closer to a “Openbox on Gnome” page. Just “Openbox” should be about straight, pure Openbox installations. I think the two ideas get muddled, as it is.

Furthermore, a lot of the ancillary programs listed there are repeated on other pages. Things like feh, rox-filer and other stuff is also on the FVWM-Crystal page, the TransparentTerminals page, the LowMemorySystems page. … and so forth.

All of those little programs could be consolidated on another page — maybe “LightweightDesktop” — and become the basis for a rundown on lightweight apps. Things like feh, urxvt, rox-filer, xfe, iDesk and other stuff could go there, in one place rather than repeating itself throughout that subsection.

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