Xubuntu on Openbox on Arch on …

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

It seemed only fair, since I’m really more of an XFCE fan than a Gnome fan, to give Xubuntu a proper Openbox mockup. This is Arch again, hiding behind something that looks vaguely like a Xubuntu desktop.

That Openbox theme isn’t very close to the real deal, especially since Xubuntu in recent months (at least since Edgy) has picked up more of a Murrine look … which I like. Openbox can do the gradients, but I didn’t have the time or patience to find the right shades to mimic the Xubuntu ones.

And really, it was more about the menus and panels than the OB themes. Still, it’s close enough to get the idea.

Boot times are about the same as the Ubuntu version, which shouldn’t surprise anyone. Overall system performance is a tiny bit more sluggish than straight, panelless Openbox … which also shouldn’t surprise anyone.

Good enough. Time to take it down. It’s funny, but for some reason, this doesn’t thrill me as much. The menu makes a lot more sense, since it’s really the amalgamation of all those Gnome menus, and since Xubuntu uses their logo with the menu button.

But for some reason this isn’t as cool as the Ubuntu version. The novelty, I guess.

No, there will not be a Kubuntu mockup. Don’t even ask.

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