Regular Kernel Team meetings

This via the ubuntu-devel mailing list:

With the core kernel team having grown to 4 people now, and with many community developers around to help, it’s about time we started having regular meetings to coordinate some of the things we do.

I invite anyone interested to attending, even if it’s just to see how we get things done. Meetings are going to be held in the normal location: #ubuntu-meeting on Meetings will be bi-weekly, Mon at 16:00 UTC, with the exception of the first meeting which is Wed Feb 21, at 16:00 UTC, due to holidays.

We’re listed on, and more info can be found here:

You can email if you have suggestions for agenda items.

(I tampered with the e-mail address to confound the spammers.) It might be an interesting meeting to attend, or even just lurk for a while. If nothing else it would give you a picture of how the innermost circles work.

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