Ubuntulite.org is finally dead?

I have been trying for a day or so to reach ubuntulite.org to review the packages it installs as a lightweight IceWM Ubuntu variant, but I get no response from that site.

I hope it’s just a temporary fluke. But perhaps it has finally died … which would be sad for me, since I spent a portion of my early Linux experience trying to install Ubuntu Lite. I’ve moved on to my own variations, but it still seemed like fun.

If it is gone forever, it was an ugly death. The site was spammed so much in the last six months or so, I thought it was a magnet for viagra ads. Occasionally someone on the forums would notice that it was being abused, but no one seemed to know who ran it, or who could clean it up.

All that’s left is the Ubuntu Lite thread, which may or may not be the only remaining vestige of its existence. 😦

That means if you want a full-featured but lightweight Ubuntu variant installed from scratch, you can either download Fluxbuntu or Xubuntu. My suggestion is the former.

6 thoughts on “Ubuntulite.org is finally dead?

  1. Randy Will

    ubuntulite.org is dead for the time being, yes. The owner pretty much gave up the ghost and most of the development (if you can call it that) is going on on the UbuntuLite Google Group. The owner of ubuntulite.org is as active as anyone else in the group. There are currently three or four people working on who will spearhead the project in the future. So far, it looks like it will not be the current owner, but he is willing to hand over control. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only provider of a stable download at the moment.

    See my blog post to grab the torrent and the md5.

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    Thanks for the update, Randy. I’m glad to hear it’s not abandoned; I was quite grateful to have it about a year ago, when I started using Ubuntu and needed something lighter. Cheers, and thanks again. 😀

  3. Pingback: Good news: UbuntuLite is not dead, just in a coma « Motho ke motho ka botho

  4. charles

    As of this month ubuntulite is alive and kicking. It is in particular need of testers. See the current website [http://ubuntulite.tuxfamily.org/] for the version 0.6 (feisty) install instructions. It has been significantly restructured since its last incarnation.

    There is also a new developer group at:


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