Good news: UbuntuLite is not dead, just in a coma

Thanks to Randy Will‘s note on my coda for the dearly departed, I have a copy of UbuntuLite 1.1, and I’ve installed it. It’s not dead … just in a coma. Or perhaps a state of suspended animation — frozen, like Walt Disney’s head.

Talk about a flashback. I forgot that it was built on Hoary, which means the 2.6.10 kernel, hotplug, inittab … wow. All the old goodies, frozen in time like it was still April of 2005.

It’s a little work getting it going, though. The torrent link that Randy gave works fine and is fairly speedy, but it’s going to need some attention after it’s installed.

X is preconfigured for a S3 Trio, so that needs changed (I had to use VESA, since there’s no Neomagic driver in Hoary … could someone backport that for me? 😆 ). Sources.list is pointing to the Australian repos (which is not a bad thing, just that it needs redirected in my case. 😉 ) Networking is preassigned to a specific MAC address, and needs reconfigured. I had to download pcmcia-cs out of the Hoary repos and transfer it across via USB before my WPC11 would work. Sheesh!

Still, it’s good to know that you can still get your hands on a copy, if you think it’s in your interest. Randy said the project is still being discussed on Google groups, and if you want advice or tips on how to get the old box moving again, I’d start there.

Just as a push in the right direction, the root password is “none”, which you’ll probably need to know just to get your sources list updated to something after 2005. 😉

P.S.: Does everybody get a copy of the 2003-2004 Annual Report for the Roads and Traffic Authority for the New South Wales state government? or did I download that mistakenly? 😆

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