Ubuntu Muslim Edition

I’ve been waiting for this for a while: UbuntuME is picking up speed, with a 0.2 release built off Edgy available for a test drive. I’m downloading it as I type, and I’m going to give it a whirl this week (I have a long weekend 😉 ) to see what it will do.

Screenshots are gorgeous, with a smooth green color scheme. I see there is a Koran study application in it, and a couple of other unique applications.

I’ll have to see if there is a lightweight version anywhere, although it’s probably much too early to ask. My worry is that it appears to be built on Gnome, and no disrespect to that desktop environment, but I do love a less bulky environment. I’ll ask on their forums. This is great!

P.S.: For the most part, the mainstream Ubuntu user reaction seems to be positive.

2 thoughts on “Ubuntu Muslim Edition

  1. Dan

    I have to ask what the deal is with Gnome. I am new to Linux. I am using both Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 and OpenSuse 10.2. I like the look and feel of Gnome much more than KDE. I haven’t used either enough to tell whether one has a better feature set than the other but from the comments I have read it seems that KDE is more powerful than Gnome. Is this true? It just looks so ugly and seems unfriendly to use.

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    I’m afraid I don’t have an opinion one way or another, Dan. I find both of them to be a bit too heavy for my liking, so I’ll let the proponents answer your question.

    From my perspective, as someone who works almost exclusively with sub-1Ghz machines, both Gnome and KDE are less responsive than the alternatives. It’s a tradeoff, though: What I lose in system bulk I end up either handling manually (like automounting CDs or USB drives) or circumventing with an alternative application (like using Mirage over the Gimp).

    It’s a matter of choice, from start to finish. But I think that’s the beauty of Linux in general. 😉


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