VICE 1.21 is out; MaCoPiX on Feisty

It looks like the VICE team has moved to version 1.21, and judging by the changelog, it should have a lot of new stuff in it. The irony, of course, is that Feisty finally picked up 1.20 not long ago. Either way, I’ll have to give a try at compiling it tomorrow, when my weekend starts. I’ve got a lot of stuff on my plate now; I hope I can squeeze in enough time to give it a go.

In the mean time I’ve managed to install MaCoPiX from source against Feisty. It’s pretty much a snap — configure, make, make install — but I’ll put together the dependencies and a step-by-step for anyone that wants it. It’s pretty cool once it’s all put together. Thanks to Cake en Soda for pointing it out.

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