One man, one vote

The Dell Idea Storm response must have rattled a few cages, because it’s been mentioned on the Direct 2 Dell blog in a tone of voice that suggests it might become a reality. But even with over 100,000 “Dell-diggs” on the issue, it’s no guarantee that it’s a given.

So if you voted once, vote again. In true corporate form, Dell is polling for specifics about what you want and how important things are. Point, click and vote, people.

As a side note, is it just me, or is the idea of asking what you want preinstalled on your new Dellinux machine really a big issue? I mean, just as an example, if it’s Ubuntu, whatever you wanted would be a simple apt-get away. Is Dell going to customize the Gimp and prepackage that?

Well, I mean they obviously will rebrand the Gimp as a Dell glam-package, but it seems a little distracted to ask what software is most important when all of it is a mere keystroke away from installation, in most cases. As long as there are no AOL daemons running by default, I’ll be happy.

But it’s still going to have to be cheaper and sexier than a Darter to win my $1000.

1 thought on “One man, one vote

  1. Pingback: A brainstorm or just partly cloudy? « Motho ke motho ka botho

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