Vidcap quandary

I spent most of the day yesterday trying to get a video capture of my desktop running with the Lattice screensaver as wallpaper. I tried about three different methods — one with xvidcap in Arch, one with a particularly clumsy bash-script method (I can’t recommend that at all), and one with recordmydesktop in Feisty.

The last was the most successful, but none of them proved useful because they didn’t capture the actual changes to the root window — the background where the screensaver was running.

Instead, they only captured places where the X display changed — things like the mouse and window moves. So while I could capture the display, they only showed one snap of the entire background, and some screen distortion where the mouse moved or a window moved.

It’s kind of a shame, since the overall effect is amazing. I don’t know why that particular screensaver is so impressive, but to see the entire background rolling in three dimensions while you’re moving windows around on the surface … it’s something to see. So if you can take the time to install the rss-glx screensavers, I heartily recommend it.

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