LinuxChix seeking to unite GSoC applicants and projects

This via, the Ubuntu Women mailing list, might be of interest to you, if you qualify and have the inclination … or if you have a project that’s needs help.

Hi Ubuntu Women,

Google Summer of Code applications are due March 26. Over on LinuxChix we’re trying to get women to network about their applications.

If anyone here is either a potential Summer of Code mentor or is willing to help women prepare their applications for Summer of Code, please let us know. You could just read them, or point people at appropriate projects or introduce them to mentors.

If you want to do this, you can either subscribe to the LinuxChix grrltalk list at or send me an email off-list with your contact details and a summary of how you can help women prepare Summer of Code applications. I will pass that onto the grrltalk list.

— Mary

I’ve omitted Mary Gardiner’s e-mail address for obvious reasons, but if you need to contact her, the mailing list or direct through LinuxChix is your best bet.

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