Jamendo breaks 1 million legal downloads

And by the word “breaks” I mean “surpasses.” 😉

In some countries, they call that a platinum sales certification, so in a sense, you could say they’ve “gone platinum.” And according to Wikipedia, a million downloads is, in fact, a platinum mark. (I suppose you could split hairs and say it’s a million downloads per album, but that’s a minor point.)

If you haven’t taken the opportunity to find out what Jamendo is, I’ll describe it this way: You know what Ubuntu did for your operating system? Jamendo will do the same thing for your music collection. :mrgreen:

Now if only I could get the Jamendo player to work in the sidebar on WordPress.com …

4 thoughts on “Jamendo breaks 1 million legal downloads

  1. K.Mandla Post author

    Hi Laurent. I think the problem is WordPress.com itself. It strips out codes it doesn’t trust, so I’ve tried just about all the players, but when the setting is saved, I get nothing. It might take some coordination with the WordPress.com people; I’m sure the players work on standalone WordPress blogs that aren’t hosted here. I’ll keep trying though.

  2. Sylvain

    Hi K.Mandla,

    I recently mailed the wordpress.com team to ask them to allow including the jamendo widget and they said more users had to ask for it.

    I think there’s a pretty real need now, so let me retry 🙂



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