The implications of Bug #96430

Something tells me this Nvidia driver thing is going to get ugly. Bug #96430 has 15 duplicates, confirmed status and high priority, but from my perspective at least, there’s not a whole lot Ubuntu can directly do about it.

If Nvidia is going to carve out an entire crop of cards and offer limp driver support at best, that’s their business.

But come on, some Geforce4 cards are barely four years old. Ever mess with a Geforce4 Ti4800? That’s a perfectly good chip that can do just about anything a Linux eye candy addict could want. And best of all, you can get one for around $15, maybe less if you play your cards right.

Yes, I know Moore’s Law. And I know the computer industry would love it if I bought myself a new $600 video card every six months. But I’m a Linux user, not a Windows user, and my days of propping up the gaming and hardware industries by buying their newest gadgets are over. This whole driver thing smacks of Nvidia trying to push Linux users around — the same way Windows users are manipulated.

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