I think I’m okay with Swiftfox now

I’m not so much a FOSS purist that I can’t handle proprietary binaries. I mean, I spend a good deal of time rebuilding my nvidia driver, so I shouldn’t be so hypocritical on something like Swiftfox, which for a long time was a binary-only, no redistribution application.

But after closer inspection, it seems that with the 2.0 releases and up, Jason Halme is posting his patches for perusal. Unless I’m mistaken, you could grab his patch, look it over and then compile your own Swiftfox.

Of course, the licensing terms on the binaries is a little different, but I don’t know that I find fault with that. If you’re not willing to take the time to figure out how to compile it with his patch, then I don’t believe it’s fair to criticize him for requiring you to get the binaries from him.

I think I’ll give it another try and see if it’s an improvement. (Ooh! There’s a package in AUR too! đŸ˜€ )

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