UbuntuME gets a metapackage

The closer we get to Feisty, the more tertiary projects start to mature. UbuntuME has a metapackage now, which means you can install a clean copy of Ubuntu and make the switch to UbuntuME in one fell swoop.

It looks like the metapackage right now installs Zekr, the UbuntuME artwork (which is fantastic, I might add — it’s worth installing just to get your hands on that), IslamicCal and a web content tool.

For instructions, check out the updated UbuntuME home page. Note that there are signed key requirements, which adds to security and speaks well of the quality of the entire project.

+1 from this Ubuntu fan.

1 thought on “UbuntuME gets a metapackage

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