Feisty frenzy: The server is far too busy to serve your request

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

This is a first for me. I’ve never seen the UMN mirror — or any mirror, really — use the phrase “far too busy” to describe traffic.

The Ubuntu home page has changed its download list, too. If you’re in the northwestern U.S. (or perhaps even just in the U.S.), the Oregon State University mirrors are a good bet, or the Gigenet link. The Western Michigan University link is overloaded, and the Unix Systems Support Group at Indiana University is hurting — pages take a while to load, but the links are there.

Unfortunately, that’s one of the links on the front page of Distrowatch.com, and it (along with the Columbia University link) is not responding. The link to the Ubuntu download mirror list is working, as well as the enhanced download page.

Seed, people! Seed!

3 thoughts on “Feisty frenzy: The server is far too busy to serve your request

  1. Danny

    I’ve downloaded and burned the CD’s. I’m so tempted to try the upgrade on my laptop, but I have finals next week, and all my material is online. I’ve got my Edgy setup running perfect, and so far, all previous experience with ‘upgrades’ haven’t worked too well. So far only complete fresh installations have worked.
    But I’m sooo tempted to do it now.
    How are upgrades working for you?

    Checkout my blog. I did an Ubuntu/Vista comparison.

  2. Pingback: Beat the rush « Motho ke motho ka botho

  3. Pingback: So long, Feisty Fawn « Motho ke motho ka botho

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