Weeding out the blogroll

I’m sifting through the links I keep on the sidebar here, and tossing out some of the blogs that appear to be abandoned. If a blog doesn’t look like it has been updated since February, I’m casting it to the wind. It sounds snooty, but if it didn’t at least say something about Feisty, then I sense an abandonblog.

The opposite of that is true too: If you have a blog and you’d like me to keep a link on the sidebar to it, I’d be more than happy to add it. Leave me a comment or a pingback here and I’ll tack it on. I generally try to focus on English-speaking blogs, but that’s not a requirement. As a polylingual, I particularly like multilingual blogs. :mrgreen:

As a side note, if I see a blog that’s frequently updated and is primarily centered around Ubuntu, I like to add it under the “Blogs worth watching” section. WordPress has a widget that allows an RSS feed to be listed there, along with 3 (or 4 or 5 or …) entry titles. I can’t feature too many, because there are a limited number of widgets I can add. But I’m sure it draws some traffic. I know I’ll click on a link, if it looks interesting.

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