What I really want is

an Ubuntu live CD that boots to a clean server environment. I realized I’m taking up all my time with the PUD GNU/Linux CD (which I like very much) and comparing it to the now-ancient Fluxbuntu CD, and wishing I could just start clean, rather than booting to someone else’s fav-o-rite live environment and waiting while I remove this or that to make space for the things I want.

I know DSL will boot with dsl 2 and give simple root-level command-line-only access. It’s not that I want root privileges though: What I’m after is command-line Ubuntu, in a live form. Perhaps I should keep looking for a way to do this.

6 thoughts on “What I really want is

  1. tamihania

    …have you tried grml? (http://grml.org/)Perhaps they have the answer for your wishes? 😉

    Another interesting news – the main dev of dwm (dynamic window manager) is thinking of releasing distro based on Ubuntu with dwm (and perhaps also wmii)by default – 9ubuntu. Maybe you could contact him?

    AFAIR the developers of Sidux (http://sidux.com/) are also very cooperating and they usually answer positive on users requests – perhaps you could do something together?

    Wishing you all good luck,


  2. K.Mandla Post author

    Actually, something like 9ubuntu might be close. I usually try to keep things exceedingly light when I’m testing a machine, and a live CD is preferable. So if I could see how something performed in Ubuntu without the burden of a lot of packages I don’t want. … Anyway, I’ll look into those three. It’s possible that there is already something like what I want, I just haven’t looked hard enough for it. 🙂

  3. tamihania

    Hej – I’m glad to be of a little help 😀 – just dropped by and saw your answer here… I also think 9buntu could be nice project – I just would like to warn you – their mailing list sometimes reminds “battle field” and they do not choose the words. Not like on Ubuntu or Sidux forums, unfortunately… 😦

    This and only this keeps me away from getting with touch with them…lol

    But after all I can at least read…

    Wishing you nice day and more courage than I have,

    tami 🙂

    PS. I am reading yuor blog regularly – find it very interesting – especially the articles on “giving the life” to old software. Keep up the good work – and – THANKS! 🙂

  4. tamihania

    Hej – I’m glad to be of a little help 😀 – just dropped by and saw your answer here… I also think 9buntu could be nice project – I just would like to warn you – their mailing list sometimes reminds “battle field” and they do not choose the words. Not like on Ubuntu or Sidux forums, unfortunately… 😦

    This and only this keeps me away from getting with touch with them…lol

    But after all I can at least read…

    Wishing you nice day and more courage than I have,

    tami 🙂

    PS. I am reading yuor blog regularly – find it very interesting – especially the articles on “giving the life” to old software. Keep up the good work – and – THANKS! 🙂

    EDIT: I meant hardware, of course…he he

  5. dimeotane

    I like your faith in minimal systems. They are the future growth of the linux community in a way. Recycling old hardware is a green sustainable lifestyle. I’ll take a guess that 4 or 5 billion people on the planet still don’t own a computer, while our old ones keep getting dumped in the landfill because we feel they’re ‘outdated’.

    I’m tired of hearing that old p1 systems aren’t fast enough…


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