Giving The Man the finger: 5.1Gb and counting

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

My music collection is growing at an alarming rate, and there’s no sign of it stopping. I keep picking up new tunes from Jamendo and adding them to my personal hoard. It’s almost as fun as the pre-litigation days of Napster, which I remember quite clearly. (I even used with Gnutella in the early days when it was an absolute nightmare to configure and run — especially from behind a university firewall.)

I’m getting the same sense of gratification of giving The Man the finger now as I did back then — this time because it’s all free and legal, so the RIAA and their legal swine can just

Anyway, I’m no longer a music pirate, so here are some recent additions to my collection. I can’t guarantee they’ll be what you’re looking for, but it’s free to find out. It’ll only cost you time and bandwidth.

Pop tunes, for those times when jazz isn’t what you’re after.

Somewhere between pop and jazz, and gets a little rowdy — which is good sometimes.

Very close to pure jazz, with an amazing and unusual voice.

And here’s a curveball for you: a traditional Mexican sound.

That’s all for now. Next time I promise more contemporary picks. 😉 And besides, there are plenty more to choose from. Don’t forget you can play the ogg format files straightaway in Ubuntu, but mp3s are available too, for your iPod.

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