Jamendo picks!

If you finally got rtorrent running on your leftover 10-year-old Ubuntu laptop, you’ll need something to download. Since it’s Thursday, here’s a fresh slew of titles that might pique your interest. I went on a downloading binge last weekend and probably pulled in more than 1Gb of new stuff. No, I don’t keep it all, and I don’t mark it if I don’t like it. But what you see here — or here — made the cut and is still in my collection.

I promised more “conventional” groups this week. Metal fans, I submit this offering. Consistently sharp and aggressive, but not without a hint of jazz underpinnings, which is probably why I find it appealing. Save for a bad day (or a good day?) and always turn up to 11.

TORP :: 4

Electric guitar virtuosos have probably already found JT Bruce, but he’s worth mentioning again. Skillful, fresh and inventive, no timidity whatsoever. Brilliant, from where I’m standing.

JT Bruce :: The Dreamer’s Paradox

Moving to another point on the circle: Trance … fast and fun. Impressed me so much that I felt compelled to review it.

Klangwerk :: Emotions of Trance

More of an electronica or techno feel, with a fair bit of pop in it. Fun, yet interesting and avoids becoming repetitive; guaranteed to get your foot tapping.

Silence :: Encre

Pop fans, here’s one you can sing along with in the shower.

Misery :: Misery

Extra points to .fen, for having an excellent voice and catchy pop tunes, and for prefixing his monicker with the Linux-style hidden-file dot. 😀

.fen :: Partout

Jazz, and very good stuff at that. Another talented artist with a clean delivery and casual grace. Download both albums, serve up randomized and you can groove for over an hour without thinking.

Bruce H. McCosar :: Evolution

There’s a lot of jazz at work here, plus quite a few other things, and the results are very impressive.

Red Lion :: I

Next, a piano solo compilation, and an amazing one at that. This is the kind of stuff people pay $24 for at a gift shop at Zion National Park. A big +1 for Paolo.

Paolo di Sabatino :: E’ l’alba

Last but certainly not least, some excellent performances in the “world music” category. Definitely worth listening to, even if it only appeals to you obliquely. Very calming and very rustic.

Pang Pung :: Pang Pung

That’s it for me. I’ll probably splurge again this weekend, and in the mean time if I find anything good I’ll post it here for future reference.

3 thoughts on “Jamendo picks!

  1. Bruce H. McCosar

    Thank you so much for your kind words and your recommendation!

    All of us on Jamendo do music because it’s what we love. Occasionally, we hear back from someone and find the work is appreciated.

    It’s also interesting to me that you’re a fellow Linux person. I’ve been running Debian for years now, but I was considering Ubuntu for my wife’s computer.

    So again, thank you, and I’m honored by your words.

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    Thank you for sharing your talents, Bruce! 😀 Paying back a compliment is a small price to pay for enjoying your music. Cheers, and let us know if you need any help with Ubuntu. 🙂

  3. Pingback: Music Update & Site News « Bruce H. McCosar

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