480 posts, 204,000 visitors … and 11,500 spam comments

I was shocked and amazed when my hit count passed 10,000 abaout six or eight months ago, so I’m strangely amused by the 20-fold increase since then. Not to brag, of course, but it is cool to pass the 200K mark. All that in less than a year of active attention to the blog. If you’re a valid visitor and perhaps even a return customer, I humbly thank you.

On the other hand, if you’re one of the 11,500-plus (?) spammers who thought it necessary to attempt to pollute this space … sorry, Charlie. Your attention, while likewise flattering, has been duly noted — and deleted. 😈

3 thoughts on “480 posts, 204,000 visitors … and 11,500 spam comments

  1. Garret

    How do you obtain a linux counter banner(not for ubuntu but for linux) as you? In the official project page i can’t find it!!

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    Hi Garret. I made that with an online banner maker site. If I can remember where it was, I’ll post a link for you. 🙄


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