Happy birthday to me

I was digging through my old posts, looking for something when I realized August is the anniversary of the start of this blog.

So here it is, one year later. Not to gloat, but if you’re curious, here are some numbers. …

  • Nearly 240,000 pageviews … and climbing;
  • More than 18,000 spam comments (I take a small measure of pride in that. You should see the junk e-mail I get. πŸ™„ )
  • I put together 525 posts;
  • The top post saw well over 30,000 hits in one day;
  • Two or three others have crossed the one-day 3,000-view mark;
  • Many more have been viewed thousands of times over the course of months;
  • The Feisty guide (through all versions and revisions) has been downloaded more than 2600 times.

I know this site isn’t the next big thing, but it’s funny: I really never intended for this to become “popular” at all. When I started out, I just wanted somewhere to jot down notes about things I had done, so I could remember them later — things like configuration files and settings. And occasionally I’d see something interesting on the forums that I thought I’d save a link to. I didn’t expect it to last this long; to be honest, I thought I would lose interest after a bit.

Instead, it has turned into something different, and that’s a good thing.

So anyway, thanks for stopping by. I hope you find something of worth here, or at least something to amuse you. I appreciate your comments and it’s nice to get feedback, good or bad. Maybe next year, if there’s another anniversary, there will be cake! πŸ˜‰

Cheers, all! :mrgreen:

4 thoughts on “Happy birthday to me

  1. K.Mandla Post author

    WordPress.com keeps some stats, like the page hit counter at the bottom right of the site. Other things I have to comb through the history to find. I’m not sure how much of the flair that I get from WordPress.com is available in offsite WordPress installations.

  2. paro-x

    Ha, that’s quite an accomplishment! You know, you were the first person to answer my first post on the Ubuntu forums about a year ago, and your blog always comes up when I search for stuff (you’re the first site I trust as a good reliable source -time tested and approved ;)) And your blog introduced me to Jamendo, so uh… thanks! You’ve had a positive influence on my computer experiences.


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