It’s really weird, but KDE is calling to me

I shouldn’t have read this post from Oh, Look Away, because now I swear I can hear a small, distant voice telling me to install KDE.

It’s okay, I’m sure this will be a brief and uneventful flirtation. My first experiences with Linux, about 8 or 9 years ago were with a KDE desktop, and the run-in was sufficiently horrific as to leave a very bad taste in my mouth, whenever I see that dragon thing.

On the other hand, I’m still running my perked Arch setup, which means I can play with KDEmod, and see what all the hubbub is about. I might reinstall anew after this is over — maybe Arch again, maybe Gutsy. It’s probably time, and I can always use the practice. Don’t want to turn out like this. 😉

1 thought on “It’s really weird, but KDE is calling to me

  1. Gabe Wollenburg

    Hey, Kubuntu’s LiveCD might be worth a shot. I think there is even an Alpha version for GUTSY available. Yup. > Here it is!

    Latest released version is Feisty Fawn.

    I’m not ready to roll without GNOME yet. As many of the folks who commented on my site said, FSpot is a tiny god, and Evolution is better than Kmail. Ubuntu makes it super easy to run both desktop environments, however.
    You just need some big horses to pull it off.


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