Now that’s fast!

One last note, and this isn’t a joke.

[kmandla@cc99p01 ISOs]$ axel -aS
Initializing download:
Doing search...
Testing speeds, this can take a while...
1 usable servers found, will use these URLs:
URL Speed 89

File size: 728449024 bytes
Opening output file kubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso
Starting download

Connection 1 finished ]
Connection 0 finished ]
Connection 2 finished ]
[100%] [..................................................] [8313.3KB/s] [00:00]

Downloaded 694.7 megabytes in 1:25 seconds. (8313.25 KB/s)

Wow. I have never, NEVER downloaded an entire ISO in a minute and a half. Good grief that’s fast. 😯 Thanks go to axel, NTT West and Sheesh!

7 thoughts on “Now that’s fast!

  1. Pingback: Is that fast or what? « Odzangba Kafui Dake’s Blog

  2. Luke

    Oh crap! That speed looks unbelievable. I mean, how the… Why… Is that even possible? What is your downstream speed?

    Note to self – try axel! LOL

  3. Pingback: Is that fast or what? | Ubuntu Linux Help

  4. Pingback: Happy day « Motho ke motho ka botho

  5. Pingback: Putting Pacman on Wheels « Doesn't Not Compute

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