Graveman stinks. Use Pyburn.

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

I’ve had just about enough of Graveman. It’s about the only GTK2 application for burning CDs and DVDs, and it hasn’t been attended to in almost a year and a half. It sometimes works for me, sometimes not, shows weird errors after the burn is finished, needs a reboot to recognize my DVD writer … really it’s just an all-around annoyance.

But short of installing the Gnome superstructure just to use Brasero or Gnomebaker, I found Pyburn, a teeny weeny Python-GTK application written by Judd Vinet, the same person who put together Arch Linux.

It’s really just a frontend for cdrecord, but that’s enough to keep me happy. It’s not fancy, not flashy, but it does the job with a minimum of hassle. And it works. Start it up with python pyburn, and you’ll have 99 percent of the function you need, on only 1 percent of the bloat.

I’m going to try it in Gutsy next, although I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t work. Python is Python … I think. 🙄

P.S.: I did notice that my CD didn’t fixate when I did python pyburn, but it did when I used sudo python pyburn, so be warned. (Yeah, I know. I use sudo in Arch. I’m a wimp.)

1 thought on “Graveman stinks. Use Pyburn.

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