Proper Fluxbuntu 7.10 screenshots

bodhi.zazen has showed some screenshots from the new version of Fluxbuntu, and I, for one, am impressed. I think they’re the same pictures that have been thumbnailed on the project’s home page for quite some time, but in full size they’re very beautiful.

It’s looking really good. I’m looking forward to Thursday more for Fluxbuntu than the vanilla version. I will definitely be trying this out. 🙂

P.S., 24 Oct.: These were posted before the site went live, so there are quite a few better screenshots available now.

4 thoughts on “Proper Fluxbuntu 7.10 screenshots

  1. luis

    it’s beautiful!!! i tried fluxbuntu some months ago and i was really surprised with all the automatics features (ntfs r/w, video, gpu nvidia, etc) but i needed something more “visual”, i like Kubuntu, but for olders machines, or sometimes for speed performance, fluxbuntu it’s ok, and now beautiful too… cool… beautiful colors.. peacefully.. fresh.. good news for me to visit fluxbuntu webpage… i’am impatient to test it…

  2. TeaSwigger

    Hello K.Mandla, this is TeaSwigger @ ubuntuforums. I appreciate your generosity with your experiences and your time in sharing the articles here.

    These screens are stunning to me – absolutely beautiful and just as remarkably, are distinctive. Fluxbuntu is behind with Gutsy as I type this; I am rooting for them and hope they can “pull off” the release.

  3. Fernando

    So nice to see the guys at Fluxbuntu gave this OS an attractive appearance. I didn’t like previous versions, with those dark, unwelcoming colors. This makes me WANT to give it a try!


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