The best part about trying new distros

Is that I always get introduced to some new program as a side bonus. I’ve been messing with SliTaz at home, offline, and at work, online, and it’s a very cool distro in its own right. It’s hard to find a shortcoming in a distro that manages to give you a reasonable selection of software in 25Mb.

But two of those applications are new to me — ISO Master and Joe’s Window Manager — and both are worth looking at very closely.

I hadn’t messed with an ISO editor in a very long time, but ISO Master is definitely going into my repertoire as a much-needed utility. Graphical from start to finish, easily modified to use the editors and other auxiliary software you prefer, and — best of all — it does one thing, and does it well. You can edit the structure and contents of an ISO with ISO Master. It doesn’t make coffee or wax your car, but I don’t want that. Sometimes I want an ISO editor, and that’s all. And that’s what it is.

JWM, I will admit, I have seen before and used under other minimal distros — Puppy and DSL both offer it as an alternative window manager, I believe — but never taken the time to prod. I was surprised at how quick and easy it is to manage. One configuration file controls just about everything (I think 😉 ), and you can reshape your entire desktop in a matter of seconds.

Most of my experiments get erased when I reboot SliTaz, but I plan on trying it out a little more as soon as I get online again at home. Then I’ll have the chance to properly arrange things how I want, and see what else it can do.

I also want to take a closer look at Xvesa, which I believe SliTaz is using instead of the full X suite. Seems like it might be an alternative for older machines using Ubuntu … or perhaps TinyX instead.

5 thoughts on “The best part about trying new distros

  1. Pankso


    Nice post about SliTaz, thanks a lot. It’s great to see an English user, I’m
    sorry to provide only a few lines of English documentation, my spelling is
    very far of perfect, please apology.

    To keep your experiments permanently you can use and USB media to store
    personnal data and configuration files. I started the SliTaz English
    documentation part with a tiny text and how to use a USB media. By the way,
    this post is already a nice intro… if you are motivate to write a litle
    introduction, I would be happy to publish it on SliTaz Web site.

    Best regards.
    – Christophe

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    Hi Christophe. I’ll see what I can do. I need to get my home Internet working again, but hopefully after that I’ll have enough time to explore SliTaz a little further. Cheers!

  3. Pankso


    Just a comment to let you known that a new release of SliTaz is on the mirror. 24,7 MB with PHP, Grsync, Osmo, ISO master 1.2, and more. I did a litle annoncement on the SliTaz English main page.

    – Christophe

  4. Tanner

    Great find, I haven’t had to work on small systems for awhile. Was looking at JEOS recently, but this seems even more compact. Has anyone used this on a virtual machine?


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