From here, Gutsy is holding up well

I’ve done three or four installations now, and from my perpsective, Gutsy seems to be holding up very well.

Of course, that endorsement comes with a small disclaimer: I will admit that I don’t bother installing the entire 7.10 Gnome environment. So if there are malfunctions in the upper echelons of the Gnome superstructure, I don’t see them.

My interest in each edition of Ubuntu is more for the core-level structure, and not the entire Ubuntu desktop. I leave that to the plus-1Ghz machines, and usually strip out anything vaguely related to Gnome.

But the remainder is working well for me — very well. No kernel issues, no hardware incompatibilities, no network obstacles and no “unexplainable” behavior. 😉

I still get a strange framebuffer timeout thing that I’ve noticed before. It’s not critical, but at the same time, it’s a serious flaw. Switching to tty screens or even the X timeout leaves me with no video output at all. Reboot is the only option.

On the other hand, I don’t know how many people are using ancient K6-2s with Silicon Motion video cards in them. So in the grand scheme of things, it’s probably very minor.

Still worth a bug report, though. …

1 thought on “From here, Gutsy is holding up well

  1. Pingback: Fluxbuntu 7.10 RC on 450Mhz K6-2, 256Mb « Motho ke motho ka botho

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