It’s not even green

Here and I thought I was going to get a sassy green desktop when I installed Gobuntu.

It doesn’t look like it. In fact, it just looks like Ubuntu. The only differences I could find, after about 10 minutes of using it, was that there were some packages subtracted from the repositories.

For example, the Nvidia driver is missing (of course), but on the other hand nvidia-xsettings and some related stuff are there. And funniest of all, is this:

According to vrms and cowsay, the human icon theme and the tangerine icon theme are nonfree packages. I’m not sure what the conditions for inclusion are in Gobuntu, but I really thought vrms would come up empty-handed on that one.

Some other unusual points … it has Firefox, when I really thought it would start up with Iceweasel (I don’t know why I thought that, except I thought the icon would be nonfree). And hitting a Flash site gives you the option to install Gnash or Flash — I kept to Gnash, but it didn’t seem to work very well for me. It’s tough being an underdog.

Anyway. I guess I’ll see if I can drop Fluxbox over top of this, just for kicks. Then I might mess around a little longer before I reinstall Arch. This was an interesting experience and an easy install, but I expected something a little more … drastic.

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