An ultralight Mandriva in the works?

Close on the heels of Fluxbuntu, and the swirling frenzy that evolved over its release, I got a note from another forum member that suggested some Mandriva enthusiasts are debating an ultralight version of that distro.

No real details yet, but it sounds like the target machine would be a mid-grade Pentium II … something with about 64Mb of memory and perhaps in the 200Mhz range. (Those aren’t numbers that were quoted to me, just suggested.)

I made a cursory glance through, but I don’t see a discussion thread or a link at all. I’ve asked for a source thread or perhaps a discussion page; I’ll update if there’s anything to be told. My interest is already piqued.

In any case, I take this as another sign that there is still room for older machines, and modern Linux distros that specialize in them. It’s hard to argue to the contrary when a three-day-late Fluxbuntu caused a minor riot among Ubuntu fans. 😕

Edit: Extreme Coder on the Ubuntuforums said most of the impetus comes from the Mandriva IRC channels and this thread. It sounds like he’s spearheading the effort, and so you could communicate your interest or suggestions to him. I made a few notes for possible applications, and I’m sure he’d like to hear more ideas.

1 thought on “An ultralight Mandriva in the works?

  1. Pingback: Kazehakase needs to step up « Motho ke motho ka botho

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