Subscribing, unsubscribing

It’s the end of the month again, so I’m sifting through the blogs on the right, weeding out the ones that haven’t mentioned Linux in a month or so, and adding any new ones that deserve it.

Of course if you have a blog and you want a link there, let me know.

I’m also checking my mailing list subscriptions, and I’ve finally dropped my subscription to xubuntu-devel and xubuntu-user. In some ways, it’s an admission that Xubuntu went a different direction from what I needed, or wanted.

Strange, less than a year ago I still had a full-blown Xubuntu installation in place on at least one computer. What a difference a year makes. 😐

Now to hunt down a mailing list for Fluxbuntu. :mrgreen:

4 thoughts on “Subscribing, unsubscribing

  1. pasquale

    hi, i’ve a blog about Ubuntu (i write only MY OWN experience with ubuntu…and when my experience is OK i like to write some posts on my blogs πŸ™‚ i use it only for “how-to” XD for don’t forget how i use my ubuntu πŸ˜€ )

    only 1 problem…my blog is in italian..and you can read here how i can talk in english 😦 very bad..

    anyway you have my link:D i can add you too in my blogroll if you can! bye

  2. Danny

    Glad to see my blog is still there, even with my lack of posts lately.

    I have to admit; Xubuntu is a bit of a slug. Xubuntu Gutsy is a bit faster on the older equipment, but not much. For an absolute new user, Xubuntu as a GUI on older equipment is still important -for our Free Geek purposes- but as a power user, something much lighter is all that is needed. I haven’t played with Xubuntu yet, but it will have to be very impressive to beat DSL on old stuff, or Puppy. I’ll be giving Fluxbuntu a try in a few weeks.

    That fact that someone hands me a computer and says, “This old thing just doesn’t work anymore,” and I can have it working perfectly in less than 5 minutes is just plain fun.


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