I’m bad, I’m nationwide

After consideration, I decided that linking to non-English blogs isn’t a bad thing. I always avoided it because I couldn’t really be sure what the content was (unless it was in one of the three or four languages I can speak … no, I’m not bragging there … okay, maybe I am).

In short, I didn’t want to offer a link to sites that mentioned Linux only as a side note, a once-a-month lip service to free software, with the main focus everywhere else being toothbrushes, or something dumb like that. (My apologies if you have a blog about toothbrushes. 🙄 ) And if I couldn’t read it, I couldn’t be certain it was focused.

But I think I can give it a test run. I’ve picked out a half-dozen or so Italian blogs, and a few French blogs, and I’ll add more as I find them. The rules are still the same, regardless of the tongue: I’m really only interested if you regularly blog about Linux. You don’t have to focus on it, but if you just mention FOSS in passing while debating Premier League football, then it’s not enough.

And if you abandon it for a month, I call it dead.

And really, this isn’t a service to anyone, or a best-of list. I read other blogs when I’m bored, or when I want to pick out different perspectives on issues. So like almost everything else here … it’s mostly for me. 😉

1 thought on “I’m bad, I’m nationwide

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