An ultralight Mandriva: Concept screenshots

Edit: Unfortunately, the images originally included in this post are gone, because of hosting problems in late 2009. My apologies.

Extreme Coder has offered up a couple of concept screenshots of the ultralight Mandriva that’s brewing here.

It looks clean and sharp, although I believe the default theme and appearance will probably change before it hits the streets. I know PCManFM and Kazehakase are most likely to be included, but other than that, I can’t say for sure how it will differ from other IceWM-based desktops.

Now comes the fun part — watching to see how all the pieces come together. It’s got to be easier to set up than the Ubuntu IceWM distro … which I don’t think exists, really. 😐

2 thoughts on “An ultralight Mandriva: Concept screenshots

  1. Onyros

    Interesting… they seem to be using PCManFM to provide the desktop framework and probably wallpaper as well.

    It’s an odd choice, though. As much as I like it as a file browser, the desktop features were still somewhat experimental.

    There is quite a momentum for small, light and fast distros these days. And I love that, really do.

    Down the line, with hardware like the OLPC and the Asus EEEPC, these slimmed down distros may really found a niche. And what a niche to find 😉

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    Yes, this was definitely a long time coming. I hope people start to realize that heavy cumbersome DEs aren’t a necessity. Lighter machines are just as functional. … 😉


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