Viva la revolucion! The Kazehakase wiki is free!

O frabjous day! voltaic has commandeered the English wiki for Kazehakase and locked out nonregistered accounts! Let the wikifying begin! No more spam! Yay!

In all seriousness, as soon as I get home from work, I’m going to start adding material. This is great!

2 thoughts on “Viva la revolucion! The Kazehakase wiki is free!

  1. ikaruga

    What’s the big deal over Kazehakase? I’m running a “memory-impaired” machine and was looking for a browser with less bloat than FireFox. So I downloaded Kazehakase a while back and fired it up on my machine. The result was that it used more memory on my machine than FireFox (at least as per the system status applet) DOH! What’s the right way to test memory usage?

  2. K.Mandla Post author

    🙂 I don’t know if there’s a “right” way to gauge memory usage; I’ve seen a lot of articles that try to rationalize memory use one way or another because of the way Linux caches programs into memory, and so forth.

    I usually compare the memory percentage used in an htop display. It seems like a relatively trustworthy number — tiny console programs take up a smidgin while large, branching programs like Firefox show a heftier chunk all at once.

    For me, there’s a distinct speed increase in Kazehakase over Firefox. Pages render faster and it’s not nearly as “stuttery,” if I can use that word. I like Firefox as much as the next person, and it’s great as an open source model, but I find it to be way to heavy for most of my older machines.

    That’s just my opinion though. Some people have different experiences with it, and others can’t get used to life without extensions, etc. But try it again — it’s made a lot of headway in the past six months or so, and it’s possible the version you tried had some sort of memory leak. See if you can get your hands on 0.4.3 or later.

    Cheers! 😀


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