Happy anniversary to me

For me, November has a small significance attached to it since, according to my e-mail, I first started messing with Ubuntu in November 2005. That was the Breezy era, and my first test install was on a lowly CTX EzBook 700E — 233Mhz, 128Mb and a 2Gb 4200rpm drive.

It didn’t go fantastically — the installer had a tendency to hang somewhere halfway through its duties, if I remember right — but I also tried it on a Dell XPS M170 — 2.26 Centrino, 2Gb and 80Gb 5400rpm with a 7800GTX in it (now that was a beautiful computer). Everything was configured perfectly off the bat, and that was enough to convince me that this Linux thing was worth looking into.

I still call New Years Day my Emancipation Day, since that’s when I did my first full Linux-only installation (on the M170), and haven’t looked back since. And this blog didn’t come into existence for almost another year, but for the record, November is my anniversary. Happy anniversary to me. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Happy anniversary to me

  1. johnraff

    Hi Mandla-san, thanks for a great blog!

    I started around that time with Breezy too, on this same box (128MB, 450MHz, 6.3GB) – but Xubuntu at the time wasn’t quite ready, and full Ubuntu-Gnome was too heavy, so left it a year or so. Finally got too scared of Win98 security problems this Spring, did net upgrades Breezy-Dapper-Edgy-Feisty (Breezy was the last Shipit CD to offer a “server” install without going to the desktop first) and now Xubuntu Feisty seems to run quite nicely and do most of what I want, still with only 128MB of RAM. 🙂

    I know you don’t like Xubuntu and one day I’ll move to a lighter Openbox setup or something, but right now it doesn’t seem too bad really. (Wonder if Gutsy will still run OK…)


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